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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 769

Roger Pourriot, D. Benest, C. Rougier, and Pierre Clement; [Caracteres taxinomiques et specificite dans le genre Asplanchna (Rotifere)]. Hydrobiologia 112:41-44, 1984


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A comparative analysis of eight characters in two clones of A. brightwelli and a clone of A. intermedia, fed with Paramecium or Brachionus, is made to determine the intraclonal, interclonal and interspecific variations in this complex of species. The trophi morphology appears the most species specific criterium whereas the other features (size of males, diameter and ornamentation of resting eggs, nuclear number in syncytial glands) show variability, either generic or related to environmental conditions. The variation observed in the ornamentation of resting eggs and in the nuclear number of vitellogen was distributed along a continuous gradient.