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Ref ID : 6

Anne Luciani, Jean-Luc Chasse, and Pierre Clement; Aging in Brachionus plicatilis: The evolution of swimming as a function of age at two different calcium concentrations. Hydrobiologia 104:141-146, 1983


In File


The swimming movements of young, middle-aged and old Brachionus plicatilis females, raised in calcium-sufficient and calcium-deficient culture media were recorded automatically. Computer analysis and statistical treatment of the results show that: 1) The middle-aged females swim faster than young and old females. In comparison to the middle-aged and young, old females turn less often and nearly always toward the right, and they do not travel as far from their point of depature as the others. 2) When the concentration of calcium in the medium is nearly zero, the swimming speed of middle-aged and old females is slower than that of middle-aged and old females raised in the presence of sufficient amounts of calcium.