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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 530

Jonassen, T.O. and Grinde, B.; Proteolytic response to nutritional step-down in Tetrahymena. Exp.Cell Res. 163:165-174, 1986


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The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila is usually grown in a medium containing proteose peptone and yeast extract as organic nutrients. When the ciliate is transferred to step-down conditions, i.e., an inorganic medium, it is shown that the cells respond by rapidly and drastically increasing their rate of protein degradation. A method for measuring the response to step-down conditions is presented, and the response is characterized. The types of proteinases involved are indicated by the use of specific inhibitors. It is concluded that Tetrahymena reacts in much the same way as mammalian cells, and provides a suitable system for investigating the regulation of protein degradation.