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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 503

Norbert Wilbert; [A new colpodid ciliate from a grass steppe in ningerhar, afghanistan: Colpodidium caudatum nov. gen., nov. spec]. Arch.Protistenk 125:291-296, 1982


In File


In an infusion containing material of the herbaceous soil-covering from a steppe in Ningerhar Afghanistan, after 4 weeks of incubation a population of a previously unknown ciliate developed. The new genus Colpodidium is created for this species. The most important distinguishing characteristics of the genus are: a rigid, spindle-shaped body, a vestibule behind the middle of the body at the end of a depression, a pseudotetrahymenal oral ciliature consisting of 2 fields of cilia and 2 modified somakineties, an excretory pore located ventrally behind the vestibule, and a ventral, permanent cytopyge. The ciliature comprises kineties that spiral to the right ventrally and run straight on the dorsal surface. Reproduction occurs in cysts.