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Ref ID : 502

Hans-Dieter Gortz; Discharge of cortical ampules in Euplotes aediculatus Pierson, 1943 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). Arch.Protistenk 125:31-40, 1982


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The spontaneous discharge of cortical ampules has been observed in living Euplotes aediculatus. When observed with the dark phase-contrast microscope mature ampules appear black, while discharged ones appear white. The discharge can be triggered by pressure with the cover glass and by 0.05% dibucaine. Formaldehyde (0.5%) also causes an extrusion of cortical ampule contents. The extruded contents can be stained with alcian blue, indicating the presence of glyco-components in the ampullar material. As the observations have proved that the cortical ampules of Euplotes are secretory organelles it is proposed that they are a special type of extrusomes. Unlike most other extrusomes, however, cortical ampules remain visible after discharge and seem to be refilled again.