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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 493

C. Houba and J. Remacle; Factors influencing toxicity of cadmium to Tetrahymena pyriformis: Particulate or soluble form and degree of complexation. Environmental Pollution 28:35-43, 1982


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The toxicity of cadmium, in the soluble and particulate forms (contaminated bacteria) to Tetrahymena pyriformis is compared. The toxicity of the metal in the soluble form markedly depends on its degree of chelation. Less complexed forms seem to accumulate more easily in ciliate cells and are the most toxic. Bacteria grown on medium toxified with cadmium contain high concentrations of the metal. The quantity of metal entering protozoa cells when feeding on contaminated bacteria is small and does not produce any toxic effect.