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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 485

G.R. Al-Atia; Toxicity of cadmium to Amoeba proteus: A biochemical approach. J.Protozool. 27(1):128-132, 1980


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The cadmium ion (Cd2+) was accumulated by Amoeba proteus in all cellular fractions, the highest level being associated with the cytosol fraction. On gel separation of the cytosol fraction, Cd-binding protein appeared in 2 peaks: one >45,000 MW (peak I) and the other 12,000 MW (peak II). Added cysteine increased the total Cd2+ taken up by the cells and resulted in disproportionate increases of Cd incorporated into the Cd-binding protein of peak II. The Cd-binding of peak II is analogous to the low-MW, Cd-binding proteins in Anacystis nidulans, Mytilus edulis, and to the metalloprotein of some vertebrates.