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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 445

Nielsen, L.E. and Rotne, J.; Temperature effects upon the time course of contraction and re-extension in Stentor coeruleus. J.Cell Physiol. 124:146-152, 1985


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A double-flash microphotographic technique has been used to follow the variation with temperature of the following kinetic parameters related to the contraction and re-extension of the ciliate Stentor coeruleus, namely the rate of contraction, the initiation time before contraction, the rate of re-extension and the initiation time before re-extension, all described by first order kinetics. Activation enthalpies, entropies and free energies related to the above mentioned parameters were calculated from the variation of the rate constants with temperature. The enthalpies and entropies appear to be of minor interest compared to the free energies. For the contraction and the initiation of contraction the delta G transition state values obtained were 14 and 15 kcal/mole, respectively, while the re-extension and the initiation of re-extension both were represented by a value of delta G transition state about 19 kcal/mole. These results are compared to activation parameters for different motile systems and for the formation and breakdown of ATP-myosin complexes. A model for the contraction and re-extension processes is proposed in accordance with the results measured.