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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 381

Martinkina, L.P., Vengerov, Y.Y., Bespalova, I.A., Tikhonenko, A.S., and Sergejeva, G.I.; The structure of inactive interphase macronuclear chromatin of the ciliate Bursaria truncatella. Radial loops in the structure of chromatin clumps. Eur.J.Cell Biol. 30:47-53, 1983


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The organization of chromatin in macronuclei of Bursaria truncatella cells that completed their growth and differentiation was electron microscopically studied. The data obtained showed that (1) inactive macronuclear chromatin was organized in compact chromatin clumps 120 to 180 nm in diameter linked by one or several chromatin fibres, and (2) in low salt buffer the chromatin clumps gradually unraveled, radial loops of supranucleosomal or, more often, nucleosomal structure appearing around chromatin clumps. Upon prolonged incubation in low salt buffer chromatin clumps were completely transformed into nucleosomal fibres. The data obtained evidenced in favour of a loop-packed structure of chromatin clumps.