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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 175

Hirai Itaru, Usuki Itaru, and Ochiai Takehiko; Inter- and Intrasyngenic Variations of the Hemoglobin Components in Paramecium caudatum. J.Protozool. 39(5):636-639, 1992


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The ciliated protozoan Paramecium contains hemoglobin in heterogeneous monomeric forms. In particular, Paramecium caudatum is characterized by the presence of a major component called Hb10 and a basic component named bHb. We found that in P. caudatum both of these hemoglobin components show some variation according to stock. The types and distributions of these hemoglobin components were examined on 16 stocks in five different syngens and one stock in an unidentified syngen using high performance liquid chromatography. The results indicate that in a variety of stocks the major component, Hb10, was divided into three types, A, B or A + B, and that the basic hemoglobin component was composed of a combination of two or three variants out of four possible, i.e. bHb 1, bHb 2, bHb 3 and bHb 4. Neither the Hb10 types nor the bHb variants, however, could be used to distinguish syngen in P. caudatum, since all of the Hb10 types and bHb variants were widely distributed over syngens and identical profiles appeared to some stocks in different syngens.