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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 130

Klaus Hausmann and Maria Mulisch; [The Epiplasm of the Ciliate Pseudomicrothorax dubius, a Cytoskeleton]. Arch.Protistenk 124:410-416, 1981


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The epiplasm is an intrinsic element of the cortex of ciliated protozoa, lying immediately beneath the inner alveolar membrance. In Pseudomicrothorax dubius this layer is about 150 nm thick. Glycerination of the cells for up to 48 hours has shown that the epiplasm is not affected in its structure were as most of the other organelles are broken down by this treatment. So, in addition to its known function during morphogenesis, the epiplasm appears to have a cytoskeletal role in Pseudomicrothorax dubius. In this species the epiplasm may be equivalent to the cortical networks of filaments which in many other ciliates act as skelethal structures.