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Ref ID : 119

Norbert Leimeroth; Respiration of different stages and energy budgets of juvenile Brachionus calyciflorus. Hydrobiologia 73:195-197, 1980


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Respiration data for different stages of Brachionus calyciflorus, fed with three concentrations of Kirchneriella lunaris at 20 degrees C, are presented. Increasing oxygen consumption from 4.1 to 4.6x10E-3 ul/hr.ind. with food decreasing from 5x10E6 to 10E6 and 4x10E5 cells/ml has been found for adult females with one egg, but other age groups showed divergent results. Based on the respiration data for age groups 0 to 12 and 12 to 24 hour old and some other results and calculations - e.g. dry weight and caloric content of eggs and females, ingestion rates/hr for the different concentrations of food-energy budgets for juvenile, growing B. calyciflorus are presented.