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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7811

Howard E. Buhse, Jr., Susan J. Stamler, and John O. Corliss; Analysis of stomatogenesis by scanning electron microscopy in Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W during synchronous cell division. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(1):95-105, 1973


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Tetrahymena pyriformis, strain W, was synchronized by the application of seven 30 min heat shocks, each interspersed by 30 min at optimal temperature, and the subsequent development was studied using the scanning electron microscope. Among the findings reported in this study are: (1) The "anarchic field stage", observed at the end of the heat treatment, is more organized than previously thought. By this time, the kinetosomes are in various stages of ciliation, ranging from the posterior margin of the field, where the most primitive stages are found, to the anterior border of the field, where ciliation is almost complete. (2) Ciliary growth within each of the membranelles begins with the two kinetosomal rows proximal to the cytostome, while the row most distant (the third row) is ciliated at a later time. (3) By the beginning of cytokinesis, oral regions of both the proter and the opisthe are in the same stage of development and continue to develop in a synchronized manner until the cell divides. The implications of these findings are discussed.