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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7786

Sisir K. Chattopadhyay, James Bowers, Calvin Culmer, and Harold E. Finley; DNA base composition of Telotrochidium henneguyi. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):674-579, 1972


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The guanine + cytosine moles % in DNA preparations from the peritrich Telotrochidium henneguyi and from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium eaten by the peritrich, were determined from the thermal denaturation temperatures of their DNA. The Telotrochidium DNA has a Tm of 83.4 C in 0.07M Na-phosphate buffer (equimolar, pH 6.8) which corresponds to 0.105M Na+ concentration; from this, the moles % guanine + cytosine was claculated to be 43.0+/-0.5. The bacterial DNA has a Tm of 94.2 C in 0.07M Na-phosphate buffer, which corresponds to 69.2 moles % G+C. The findings were compared with DNA studies made by other investigators. The methods described here may become useful in studies on the taxonomy of protozoa.