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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7780

Portia A. Holt; An electron microscope study of the Rhabdophorine ciliate Didinium nasutum during excystment. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(2):144-168, 1972


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Morphogenesis in excysting didinia as described here involves a number of processes: The multiplication of kinetosomes and the elaboration of cilia; the reorganization of the cytoskeletal system including the ribbons and bundles of microtubules; and the production of the cortical fibrous layers and fibrous ring of the proboscis. The morphogenesis of the proboscis parallels the development of the anterior girdle kinetosomes and the elaboration of the cytoskeletal system. The fine structure of the excystment vacuole and contractile vacuole is described. Finally, structural changes in the mitochondria, macronucleus, autophagic vesicles, and inclusions are noted.