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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7762

Yu.G. Gel'tser; Free-Living Protozoa as a Component of Soil Biota. Soil Biology 1-16, 1992 (Translated from Pochvovedeniye 8:66-79, 1991)


In File


The role of free-living protozoa in soil biodynamics is examined. An abundant protozoan fauna of diverse species composition as found in the virgin and cultivated Podzolic, Sod-podzolic, Sod, and Floodplain soils of the non-Chernozem zone of Russia. A differentiation of protist fauna by genetic soil horizons was observed and soil ecological and soil geographic differences and characteristics were identified. Protozoa enter into complex trophic and metabolic interrelations with soil microflora. The accumulation of protozoa in the rhizosphere of plants depends on the phase of their development. It is suggested that the structural characteristics of the protozoan fauna be used to identify soils and their properties.