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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7760

Anne Fleury, Francine Iftode, Gilbert Deroux, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Unite et Diversite chez les Hypotriches (Protozoaires Cilies): II - Elements D'ultrastructure Comparee chez Divers Representants du Sous-Ordre des Euhypotrichina]. Protistologica XXI(4):505-524, 1985


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In Hypotrichs, a rather high level of heterogeneity of ultrstructures is inferred from a comparative study of several species, in such a way that the order can be divided into two groups. This first study is performed on various morphotypes of the suborder Euhypotrichina. The buccal and somatic infraciliary organization of Kahliella acrobates is very closely similar to the organization previously known in Oxytrichidae, and may be hold as typical for the whole suborder Euhypotrichina, among which the restricted range of variation is exemplified by Parastrongylidium martini, Spiretella plancticola (the main features of fission morphogenesis in this latter species are described), and by some observations on Kerona polyporum and Gonostomum affine. These data show that the members of Euhypotrichina suborder, the species of which exhibit similar morphogenetical characters, possess strong similarities in ultrastructural architectures. Thus, this suborder is probably a monophyletic one (sensu Hennig).