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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7758

R.M. Rios, A. Torres, P. Calvo, and C. Fedriani; The Cyst of Urostyla grandis (Hypotrichida: Urostylidae): Ultrastructure and Evolutionary Implications. Protistologica XXI(4):481-485, 1985


In File


Ultrastructural study of Urostyla grandis cysts shows that the cyst wall is constituted of three layers: a fibrous ectocyst, a structurally homogeneous endocyst and a grandular layer that exhibits a dispersed granular or fibrillar structure. The maintenance of only a few kinetosomes and scattered bundles of subpellicular microtubules, and other particularities distinguish the Urostyla grandis cyst, both KR and NKR cysts. It is proposed to amplify the Walker and Maugel classification by an additional group. Based on comparative features, some of the phylogenetic relations are discussed.