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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7728

Dag Klaveness; Studies on the Morphology, Food Selection and Growth of two Planktonic Freshwater Strains of Coleps sp. Protistologica XX(3):335-349, 1984


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Two strains of Coleps have been isolated from the open water of lakes. Their morphology as observed by scanning electron microscopy is described. When fed different planktonic algae, only flagellates did support good growth, while small diatoms, bluegreen algae and chlorococcal green algae did not. There are also significant differences between the two ciliate strains with regard to preference or availability. One of the strains supports endosymbionts of Chlorella-type. The intracellular symbionts are only scarcely able to support reliable growth of the ciliate, unless additional food is provided.