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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7705

R. Saliba, D. Dive, and R. Devis; An Inexpensive and Practical Medium for Rearing Mass Cultures of Tetrahymena. Protistologica XIX(3):417-421, 1983


In File


A simple medium composed of skimmed milk powder, yeast extract, and distilled water has been developed for mass cultures of two species of Tetrahymena commonly used in biochemical studies: T. rostrata (strain) and T. pyriformis (G.L.., ST and W.). The influence of various concentrations of milk and yeast extract have been studied. The optimal medium, consisting of 1% and 0.5% yeast extract, yielded growth rates as high as those obtained using Proteose-Peptone based media for one-quarter the cost. We recommend that this medium be used for biochemical studies of organelles of Tetrahymena when large biomass of cells is required.