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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7700

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen and Pensri Boonruang; A Microscopical Study of Marine Collared Flagellates (Choanoflagellida) from the Andaman Sea, SW Thailand: Species of Stephanacantha GEN. NOV. and Platypleura GEN. NOV. Protistologica XIX(2):193-214, 1983


In File


The light and electron microscopical examination of nanoplankton from the Andaman Sea has revealed the existence of a very rich choanoflagellate fauna in tropical waters. Approximately 45 loricate choanoflagellates (Acanthoecidae, Choanoflagellida) were thus recorded from samples collected September 1981, in the vicinity of Phuket Island, SW Thailand. Among the underscribed taxa encountered were several which possessed a lorica composed of flattened costal strips exclusively. Six of these are described here and have been allocated to Stephanacantha gen. nov. and Platypleura gen. nov., two new genera typified by the Mediterranean species S. campaniformis (Leadbeater) comb. nov. and P. infundibuliformis (Leadbeater) comb. nov. Species of Stephanacantha (incl. S. dichtotoma sp. nov., S. parvula sp. nov., and S. formosa sp. nov.), are characterized by very conspicuous bifurcations of the longitudinal costae, and furthermore by the presence of an upright spine at one end of each anterior transverse costal strip. Species of Platypleura (incl. P. cercophora sp. nov., P. acuta sp. nov., and P. perforata sp. nov.) are characterized by a very regular arrangement of transverse costae (2-3) and longitudinal costae (c. 10), which attach the transverse costae at the joints of adjacent transverse costal strips.