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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7697

Simone Eperon and J. Grain; [Sur les Fibres Postciliaires de la Polycinetie de Thuricola folliculata (O.F. Muller, 1786) (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) en Bipartition]. Protistologica XIX(2):123-129, 1983


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The peristomial infraciliature of the Peritrich Thuricola folliculata, observed during final stage of binary fission, shows postciliary fibers next to the kinetosomes of the right row of the polykinety. These fibres provide the polykinety with an orientation and also define the dense laminas that originate from the kinetosomes of the left row: these laminas have no homologue among the buccal structures of other orders of Ciliates and are different from kinetodesmal fibers. Thuricola folliculata is the first Peritrich that exhibits postciliary polykinetal fibers. One can suggest that, among the other Peritrichs, these postciliary fibers would have a discreet and ephemeral existence during the binary fission morphogenesis.