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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7681

Bernard Pelvat and Rosemarie Emery; [La Regeneration de L'appareil Oral chez Stentor coeruleus: II - Modifications de L'ultrastructure du Macronoyau]. Protistologica XVIII(3):371-387, 1982


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The regeneration of the oral apparatus in Stentor coeruleus involves an induction of buccal ciliogenesis, and structural and ultrastructural modifications in the macronucleus in the strain we have studied. At the ultrastructural level we can observe that the G1 phase macronucleus has the typical aspect of the macronucleus of heterotrichs. During the period of kinetosomal formation and organization at the beginning of regeneration, the macronucleus does not show major ultrastructural modifications of the chromatine. However, the nucleoli become larger and at the end of the growing phase, the fibrillar part of the nucleoli become more developed. During the macronuclear cycle which occurs during the positioning of the buccal organelles, the chromatine presents a unique clear homogeneous apparance, typical of this phase in numerous heterotrichs. The nucleoli disappear. In the cytoplasm near the macronucleus, microtubules appear and exist only during this phase. A the end of regeneration, the macronucleus reestablishes its normal aspect.