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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7680

Veronique Machelon; [Donnees sur le Complexe Euplotes vannus: L'existence d'une Cinquieme Espece, Analyse des Mecanismes D'isolement Reproductif]. Protistologica XVIII(3):345-354, 1982


In File


The morphological species E. vannus, E. crassus and E. mutabilis are referred to as the "Euplotes vannus complex of species". Nearly all the clones belonging to this complex of species may be classified in five autofertile and intersterile subgroups which are interpreted as biological species. The fifth group which is particularly studied in the present work, was only found on the american coasts. They are true sibling species, since no morphological character is available for diagnosis, though the ranges of morphological variation are not similar for the five species. The reproductive barriers between these species have been investigated. The isolating mechanisms between species 1 and 2 are mainly, if not exclusively, prezygotic. On the contrary, the reproductive isolation between species 2 and 3 involves an important post-zygotic component.