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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7675

Maria Jerka-Dziadosz; Ultrastructural Study on Development of the Hypotrich Ciliate Paraurostyla weissei. IV. Morphogenesis of Dorsal Bristles and Caudal Cirri. Protistologica XVIII(2):237-251, 1982


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Paraurostyla weissei possesses 6 rows of dorsal bristles. Each dorsal bristle unit consists of a pair of kinetosomes linked by a fibrillar connective. The anterior kinetosome has a short cilium with normal axoneme, the posterior kinetosome has a ciliary stub. During morphogenesis streaks of paired kinetosomes are formed at specific locations at the dorsal surface within 3 old bristle rows and at the right margin of the cell. The morphology of the dorsal streak is very similar to the streaks of the ventral ciliature. Differences were found in filamentous kinetosomal connectives, in the mechanism of moving apart of differentiate structures and the pattern of ciliation of primordial streaks. Caudal parts of dorsal streaks, from which caudal cirri differentiate do not differ from ventral streaks.