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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7670

Fleury Anne and Fryd-Versavel Ghislaine; [Aspects de la Morphogenese chez Kahliella (Cilie Hypotriche)]. Protistologica XVIII(1):135-145, 1982


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By comparison with other Hypotrichs, the morphological organization of Kahliella is rather primitive in several respects. It could be expected that these primitive features would be correlated with some distinctive patterns in the dynamics of cellular components during reorganization processes at various stages of the life cycle. The present work is a comprehensive study of these processes at the level of light microscope observation. The conservation, apparently at random, of some cirri which remain untouched throughout a whole reorganization process may be hold as a primitive feature. Nevertheless the typical reorganization pattern of Hypotrichs is observed in Kahliella: association of somatics changes (both dorsal and ventral) with stomatogenesis, succession of two sequences of morphogenetic events during conjugaison, correlated with the development of macronuclear anlage, regulation of morphological structure of cell without fission and by means of vegetative reorganization.