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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7629

Sievert Lorenzen; [Die Nematodenfauna im Verklappungsgebiet fur Industrie-abwasser nordwestlich von Helgoland I. Araeolaimida und Monhysterida] (The nematode fauna in a sea area north-west of Helgoland selected for industrial waste disposal. I. Araeolaimida and Monhysterida). Zool.Anz.,Leipzig 187(3/4):223-248, 1971


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Ca. 1200t industrial wastes containing sulphuric acid and ferrous sulphat are dumped daily north-west of Helgoland since 1969. This paper deals with the description of 18 nematode species living in this area. 16 species are new to science: Axonolaimus helgolandicus, Odontophora phalarata, O. rectangula, O. ornata, Leptolaimus leptaleus, Amphimonhystera subtilis, Metadesmolaimus aduncus, M. pandus, M. heteroclitus, M. varians, Theristus levis, T. fallax, T. nanus, T. proprius, T. anisotrichus, and Rhynchonema scutatum. The following nomenclatorial change are suggested: The genus Metadesmolaimus schuurmans Stekhoven, 1935 is rehabilitated. Paramonhystera canicula Wieser & Hopper, 1967 is transferred to Metadesmolaimus c., Theristus hamatus Gerlach, 1956 to Metadesmolaimus h., T. hamatus sensu Riemann, 1966 to M. aduncus sp. n., T. tersus Gerlach, 1954 to Metadesmolaimus t., T. sp. 1 Riemann, 1966 to Metadesmolaimus varians sp. n., T. sp. 2 Riemann, 1966 to T. fistulatus Wieser & Hopper, 1967.