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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7622

Josef Hauser and Claudio G. de Paula; [Die histologische Struktur des Kollmannspergerschen Organs bei Eudrillus eugeniae (Kinberg 1867)] (Histology of the Organs of Kollmannsperger in Eudrillus engeniae (Kinberg, 1867)). Zool.Anz.,Jena 195(5/6):307-318, 1975


In File


The organ of Kollmannsperg in Eudrillus eugeniae consists of three parts: the purse of copulation, which can only partially be extruded; the bulbus and the penis form the most important parts of the organ. The purse possesses a muscular wall and is revested by covering cells and secreting cells. There are no mucus cells. The bulbus is an erectile organ. It consists mainly of muscular tissue, abundantly interwoven with - connective tissue. It contains large bloodvessels. In the midst of the bulbus there is a canal which has two parts: pars ascendens and pars descendens. The lumen of the tube of the pars ascendens is divided along its length. In the descendens part only one tube can be found. In the bulbus there are secreting glomeruli, with two types of cells. Their secretion consists of the fine granules. The penis constitutes a curved, muscular tube the end of which is particularly firm. The extruding openings are elongated fissures situated laterally. A basal membrane cannot be found neither in the bulbus nor in the penis. The organ of copulation is connected with the prostate glandule and the Y-organ by two separate channels.