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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7611

Veronique Machelon; [Incompatibilites Sexuelles et Conjugaisons Intraclonales chez une Espece du Genre Euplotes (Cilies Hypotriches)]. Protistologica XXII(2):235-240, 1986


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Mating types have been demonstrated to be genetically determined for a lot of Ciliates. However, selfing has been frequently observed. It is generally admitted that selfing is due to mating type instability. The mating behaviour of several stocks belonging to the E. eurystomus morphological type (Tuffrau 1960, 1982) collected around Paris was studied. The presence of two mating types was suggested. Mixtures of two cultures belonging to two different mating types yield homotypic conjugating pairs and heterotypic conjugating pairs. On the other hand, selfing is found in the whole stocks usually after the log-phase of the growth curve. A detailed analysis provided on pure clones has pointed out that selfing is not consecutive to the intraclonal differentiation of two mating types in this case.