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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7606

F.J. Siemensma and Frederick C. Page; A Light- and Electron-microscopic Study of Trichamoeba sinuosa n. sp. (Amoebida) with a Re-diagnosis of the Genus. Protistologica XXII(1):117-125, 1986


In File


Trichamoeba sinuosa n. sp. is the first member of its genus to be studied in clonal culture and with the electron microscope. It is a medium-sized, monopodial amoeba with a granular nucleus and many bipyramidal crystals. It has a filamentous glycocalyx, but no inner fibrous lamina is distinguishable in the nucleus. Presumed cysts are binucleate. Its food includes unicellular eukaryotes and rotifers. The genus Trichamoeba Fromentel, 1874, as re-diagnosed, comprises the free-living, truly monopodial members of the family Amoebidae. The correct type species of the genus is T. hirta Fromentel, 1874, since the synonomy of that species with Amoeba villosa Wallich, 1863, is rejected.