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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7603

John O. Corliss and Richard A. Snyder; A Preliminary Description of Several New Ciliates from the Antarctica, including Cohnilembus grassei n. sp. (1). Protistologica XXII(1):39-46, 1986


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Sea-ice samples from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, were examined for species of ciliated protozoa. In this preliminary survey, more than two dozen quite distinct << morphotypes >> were found in fixed and stained (silver-impregnated) material. Among these, the following seven are described here as new: Spiroprorodon garrisoni n. sp., Lacrymaria spiralis n. sp., Cohnilembus grassei n. sp. [named in honor of the great protistologist to whom this paper is dedicated, the late Prof. P.-P. Grasse], Pleuronema glaciale n. sp., Strombidium rhyticollare n. sp., Tachysoma parvulum n. sp., and Aspidisca antarctica n. sp. Also recognized, but not named at this time, were species (some undoubtedly new) of Didinium, Chlamydonella, Chilodonella, Condylostoma, Euplotes, Mesodinium, Strobilidium, Tontonia, Trochilia, and Uronychia. Such a diversity of forms (mostly diatomfeeders, incidentally) suggests a rich endemic ciliate fauna heretofore unsuspected from Antarctica waters.