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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7477

Hans H. Jakobsen and David J.S. Montagnes; A Redescription of Balanion comatum Wulff, 1919 (Prorodontida, Ciliophora), with Notes on its Cultivation and Behaviour. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 46(2):198-205, 1999


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Morphological and behavioural information (from live, protargol-stained, SEM and TEM materials) were used to redescribe the type species of Balanion, isolated from Danish waters. The ciliate was compared to the original description and to the only other described species, Balanion planctonicum. Balanion comatum was neotypified and distinguished from B. planctonicum by having 12-26 vs. 7-12 kinetosomes in the somatic kineties and having 9 vs. 4 microtubules per oral flap.