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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7296

Susan A. Ludmann, Anita Schwandt, Xuejun Kong, Connie S. Bricker, and David G. Pennock; Biochemical Analysis of a Mutant Tetrahymena Lacking Outer Dynein Arms. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 40(5):650-660, 1993


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Tetrahymena thermophila mutants homozygous for the oad mutation become nonmotile when grown at the restrictive temperature, and axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants lack approximately 90% of their outer dynein arms. Electrophoretic analyses of axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants (oad axonemes) indicate they contain significantly fewer of the 22 S dynein heavy chains that axonemes isolated from wild-type cells (wild-type axonemes) contain. The 22 S dynein heavy chains that remain in axonemes isolated from nonmotile, oad mutants are assembled into 22 S dynein particles that exhibit wild-type levels of ATPase activity. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of oad axonemes show that they are deficient in no proteins other than those proteins thought to be components of 22 S dynein. This report is the first formal proof that outer dynein arms in Tetrahymena cilia are composed of 22 S dynein.