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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7112

Martin Vohnik, Zuzana Burdikova, Ales Vyhnal, and Ondrej Koukol; Interactions between Testate Amoebae and Saprotrophic Microfungi in a Scots Pine Litter Microcosm. Microb.Ecol. 61:660-668, 2011


In File


In all terrestrial ecosystems, testate amoebae (TA) encounter fungi. There are strong indications that both groups engage in multiple interactions, including mycophagy and decomposition of TA shells, processes which might be fundamental in nutrient cycling in certain ecosystems. Here, we present the results of an experiment focusing on interactions between TA and saprotrophic microfungi colonizing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) litter needles. The needles were collected from a temperate pine forest and cultivated in damp chambers. Over a few weeks, melanized mycelium of Anavirga laxa Sutton started to grow out of some needles; simultaneously, the common forest-soil TA Phryganella acropodia (Hertwig and Lesser) Hopkinson reproduced and spread around the mycelium. We investigated whether a potential relationship between TA and saprotrophic microfungi exists by comparing the composition of TA communities on and around the needles and testing the spatial relationship between the A. laxa mycelium and P. acropodia shells in the experimental microcosm. Additionally, we asked whether P. acropodia utilized the A. laxa mycelium as a nutrient source and screened whether P. acropodia shells were colonized by the microfungi inhabiting the experimental microcosm. Our results indicate that saprotrophic microfungi may affect the composition of TA communities and their mycelium may affect distribution of TA individuals in pine litter. Our observations suggest that P. acropodia did not graze directly on A. laxa mycelium, but rather fed on its exudates or bacteria associated with the exudates. The fungus Pochonia bulbillosa (Gams & Malla) Zare & Gams was often found parasitising encysted shells or decomposing already dead individuals of P. acropodia. TA and pine litter microfungi engage in various direct and indirect interactions which are still poorly undestood and deserve further investigation. Their elucidation will improve our knowledge on fundamental processees influencing coexistence of soil microflora and microfauna.