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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6784

Daniel Dive, H. Leclerc, and G. Persoone; Pesticide Toxicity on the Ciliate Protozoan Colpidium campylum: Possible Consequences of the Effect of Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment. Ecotoxicol. & Environ.Safety 4:129-133, 1980


In File


The effects of 39 pesticides on the growth of Colpidium campylum in monoxenic culture are reported. Most of these substances are not toxic up to 10 ppm (the maximum concentration tested out). When the toxicity is examined with regard to the chemical structure of the products or their use, it appears that (1) organophosphorous products are generally more toxic than organochlorine chemicals; (2) fungicides are generally harmful for the ciliates; (3) herbicides are not very toxic; (4) the toxicity of organochlorine compounds seems to be in some way related with the basic chemical structure of the compound (phenol or cyclohexane). The results are discussed on the basis of the structure of the products, their possible incorporation into the cell, and their effect at the subcellular level.