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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6622

T.D. Slepukhina; The effect of water movement on the distribution of Oligochaeta in lakes. Hydrobiologia 334:85-88, 1996


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The Oligochaeta are more exposed to disturbance under conditions of intense water movement than other invertebrates, particularly when the substrate is unstable. Furthermore, low mobility of bottom water, which can lead to excessive accumulation of organic matter in sediments, and to the formation of 'sapropel', can also be limiting to the distribution of oligochaetes. Organic contamination in conditions of low water dynamics can result in the absence of Oligochaeta through oxygen depletion. Dynamic water movement can stimulate the mass development of Oligochaeta in organically polluted areas.