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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6619

Brenda Healy; The distribution of Oligochaeta on an exposed rocky shore in southeast Ireland. Hydrobiologia 334:51-62, 1996


In File


The distribution of oligochaetes was studied on a wave-exposed, granite shore at Carnsore Point, County Wexford. Habitats sampled were crevices and shallow surface cracks in rock, Lichina pygmaea turf, a Mytilus edulis bed, barnacles, Laurencia pennatifida turf, Corallina officinalis turf and pools. Lichina, mussels, barnacles greater than 8 mm in height, Laurencia and Corallina were sampled quantitatively. Three species of Tubificidae and nine species of Enchytraeidae were recorded including two new species described from this locality and five which are undescribed. Oligochaetes were present in all the habitats sampled but were rare in pools and numbers were low on barnacle-covered rock except where barnacles were more than 8 mm in height. The number of species increased with decreasing tide level and was highest in low shore crevices. Highest densities were recorded from Corallina turf and in barnacles >8 mm. Lumbricillus semifuscus was the most widespread species, occurring in crevices and mats at all tide level; other species and more restricted distributions. Grania species were confined to Corallina turf. Only three species of oligochaete were recorded from cracks where they were almost the only fauna present. Species diversity and density were influenced by physical structure of the habitat, particularly the amount of retained sediment. The oligochaetes are members of a rich cryptofauna in habitats which provide them with organic matter and moisture and protect them from environmental extremes and wave damage and from predators during immersion. Reasons for the scarcity of oligochaete records from exposed rocky shores and the high proportion of new species in this study are discussed.