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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6581

Pilar Rodriguez; The variability of setae of Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg (Oligochaeta, Naididae). Hydrobiologia 155:39-44, 1987


In File


Two different groups of specimens can be distinguished in populations of Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg from rivers of the Basque Country (Spain), according to shape and size of anterior ventral setae. One of the groups fits the description of the European subspecies longiseta, while the other fits the description of the American taxon P. leidyi Smith, as redescribed by Harman and MacMahan (1975). Ventral setae show considerable variability in both groups in relation to shape, size and number, intermediate features becoming also apparent. Both the taxonomic status of P. leidyi and the polytypic character of P. longiseta are discussed.