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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6114

Fujii Kunihiko, Inamori Yuhei, Sugiura Norio, and Matsumura Masatoshi; Environmental Condition for Producing Eggs of Rotifera Philodina erythrophthalma. Jap.J.Water Treat.Biol. 36(2):57-62, 2000


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The effect of mold, microbial pesticide Verticillium lecanii F126-12-3M on the egg-production of rotifera Philodina erythrophthalma, contributing to purification of wastewater was examined in batch culture experiment. The result indicated that the number of eggs was several times higher in the cultures with supernatant of mold than those of the control. It was found that there was a substance stimulating the production of eggs in the supernatant of mold culture. The supernatant of mold culture was found to be of importance for egg production. The egg of P. erythrophthalma, the reroduction of which was promoted by addition of mold culture, could survive under desiccation for five days. It was suggested that mass cultivation of P. erythrophthalma could be accompanied using this method.