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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6088

Andrew Rogerson, Jacques Berger, and Cristina M. Grosso; Acute toxicity of ten crude oils on the survival of the rotifer Asplanchna sieboldi and sublethal effects on rates of prey consumption and neonate production. Environ.Pollut.A 29:179-187, 1982


In File


The acute toxicity effects of ten crude oils on the survival of a freshwater planktonic rotifer, Asplanchna sieboldi, have been examined. Rotifers exhibited a wide range of sensitivities to the oils tested. Comparing extreme cases, concentrations above 10 µl of Norman Wells oil per millilitre of culture medium were acutely toxic to the entire population of rotifers within 18 hr whereas exposure to 200 µl of La Rosa oil produced, at most, a 22% decline in the numbers of experimental rotifers. The sublethal effects of exposing A. sieboldi to Norman Wells oil were assessed in terms of prey-consumption, neonate production and life span. Oil stress reduced the rates of consumption and production but had no effect on rotiferan longevity.