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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6041

J.P. Curry and D. Byrne; The role of earthworms in straw decomposition and nitrogen turnover in Arable Land in Ireland. Soil Biol.Biochem. 24(12):1409-1412, 1992


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Under favourable conditions conventionally tilled arable land can support substantial earthworm populations which can significantly influence soil fertility. Eleven species were present in a winter wheat field in Country Kildare, Ireland; the mean density and biomass were 408 ind. m-2 and 61 g m-2 respectively. The population was estimated to mineralize 3.2 gN annually through excretion and tissue turnover, and a futher 3.3 g through enhanced mineralization in faeces. The decomposition rate of straw which was accessible to earthworms in the soil was increased by 26-47% within an 8-10 month period compared with that of straw from which earthworms were excluded.