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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6038

Emilia Rota; New data on the earthworm fauna of Gallura (Northeast Sardinia). Soil Biol.Biochem. 24(12):1383-1388, 1992


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From a previous analysis of the earthworm fauna of the Sardo-Corsican system, Gallura (northeast Sardinia) seemed to harbour a small number of species (7), mostly endemic and quite different from those of the neighbouring districts, even of the nearest smaller islands forming the Maddalena archipelago. During 1988-1989 over 400 specimens were collected in 19 new localities. The new data doubles the number of species known for the region, but confirms the high degree of endemicity of its fauna, which may be explained in the light of historical and ecological factors. Dendrobaena cognettii gallurensis n. spp is described.