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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5928

R.V. Anderson; Description of the male of Tylenchorhynchus maximus Allen, 1955 (Nematoda: Tylenchorhynchinae). Can.J.Zool. 55:1921-1923, 1977


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Males of Tylenchorhynchus maximus Allen, 1955 from populations in eastern Canada are described and illustrated for the first time. There are few differential characters between the sexes other than reproductive structures. Both have reduced lateral lips and slightly elevated subdorsal and subventral lips. Males have a wider range in annule size and a different pattern of body annulation than that of the female. Alternate striae on the margins of the bursa are determinate and not continuous with transverse body striae. No sperm were observed in any female from population with males.