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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5903

J. Juget, V. Goubier, and D. Barthelemy; Intrinsic and extrinsic variable controlling the productivity of asexual populations of Nais spp. (Naididae, Oligochaeta). Hydrobiologia 180:177-184, 1989


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The productivity of Nais spp. from periphyton of fishponds of the Dombes area (Ain) was studied in semi-natural conditions by cultivation of zooids in experimental glass enclosures immersed in situ and filled with pond water receiving injections of fertilizers (P2O5) and natural filtered periphyton extracts (particles <70 µm). The growth rate of the experimental populations was not significantly affected by the concentration of fertilizers added to culture media. On the contrary, the water management of the culture media (as renewal or non-renewal of the water in experimental enclosures), the closing procedure of the enclosures and the load and composition of the nutritive substrate controlled the produced biomass. Temperature and food supply were the principal extrinsic variables controlling the asexual growth rate of the Nais species. The stolonization rate was analyzed as a biological parameter implicated in the instantaneous birth rate of zooids and the growth of naidid populations.