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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5900

Andreina Paoletti; Cohort cultures of Tubifex tubifex forms. Hydrobiologia 180:143-150, 1989


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By means of cohort cultures at different temperatures, the life cycles of two sympatric forms of T. tubifex have been compared: the normal T. tubifex 'tubifex' and the 'blanchardi' forms. Although the two forms have certain basic similarities, the 'blanchardi' form tolerated low temperatures less well, requiring a longer time to develop to maturity and producing fewer ova. The threshold temperature for development appeared to be around 8 degrees C, notably higher than for the normal form around 0 degrees C. Moreover, for the 'blanchardi' form, resistance was lower and mortality higher for embryos and throughout the life cycle. Cross-breeding tests were carried out, along with cultures of individuals serving as controls for parthenogenetic activity. In cross-breeding, pairs produced progeny similar to the normal form only, most likely derived not from eggs fertilized by the partner, but from parthenogenetic eggs. As a matter of fact, only the normal form was able to reproduce through parthenogenesis. Thus, the two forms have remarkable differences, indicating genetic differences, and they may be considered not as forms, but rather as distinct species.