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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5899

Carla Bonacina, Giuliano Bonomi, and Carlo Monti; Density-dependent processes in cohorts of Tubifex tubifex, with special emphasis on the control of fecundity. Hydrobiologia 180:135-141, 1989


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Laboratory cohort cultures of the tubificid Tubifex tubifex with different initial densities were carried out at 20 degrees C with the condition of unlimited food. The main results were: 1) Intracocoon mortality was 37% of the laid eggs (observation of 689 eggs); 2) The principal bionomic parameters (generation time, r, Ro) appeared to be density dependent; 3) Recruitment was regulated through the percentage of worms that actually attained the ovigerous stage, specific fecundity, and the duration of the egg laying stage, which appeared to be inversely correlated with density.