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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5092

Louis Bonnet; [Le peuplement thecamoebien de quelques sols du Chili (I)] (Rhizopoda Testacea from some chilean soils (I)). Protistologica 11(2):113-140, 1966


In File


The faunistic study of some soils of Chile provides a list of 94 species and var. of Rhizopoda Testacea. The biogeographical, ecological, biocenotical points of view are considered. The global appearance of the fauna varies from one biotop to another and it is possible to construct mathematical models of Factors which take these variations into account and which can be concretized. The analysis of the coenotical affinities shows that several communities of species can be discovered, and enables to consider their determinism. The quantity of water available and the complex pH, C/N seem to play an important part.