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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4884

K.A. Mikrjukov; Revision of Genera and Species Composition of Lower Centroheliozoa. II. Family Raphidiophryidae n. fam. Arch.Protistenk 147:205-212, 1996


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A revision of the genus Raphidiophrys Archer on the basis of the scale structure is performed. Two new genera are proposed. Parasphaerastrum gen. nov. includes a single species, P. marina (Ostenfeld) emend. Mikrjukov, surrounded by the envelope of rod-like tangential siliceous spicules. Polyplacocystis gen. nov. includes five species, two with reticulate [P. ambigua (Penard) and P. symmetrica (Penard)] and three with smooth [P. pallida (Schulze), P. marginata (Siemensma) and P. pedunculata (Mikrjukov)] surface of scales. Six other EM-studied species [R. capitata Siemensma et Roijackers, R. elegans Hertwig et Lesser, R intermedia Penard, R. minuta Nicholls, R. viridis Archer and R. ovalis (Durrschmidt)], which have complex scales formed by two parallel plates and internal septae between them, are retained in the genus Raphidiophrys Archer. Only three species with plate-scales identical to those in Polyplacocystis (R. lemani Penard, R. tubifera Penard, and R. glabra Nicholls et Durrschmidt) stay in the genus Raphidocystis with the emended diagnosis given by Nicholls & Durrschmidt (1985). The new family Raphidiophryidae is proposed including the genera Parasphaerastrum, Polyplacocystis, Raphidiophrys and Raphidocystis. A key for the species of these genera is proposed.