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Ref ID : 4845

K.P. Gaffal and S. el-Gammal; Mode of Division and Fate of the Flagellar/Basal Apparatus during the First Round of Cell Division of Polytoma papillatum. Arch.Protistenk 144:409-423, 1994


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Computer-aided 3D-reconstruction of ultrathin serial sections through cells of Polytoma papillatum at different stages of the 1st round of division revealed a semitransverse (sensu Ettl 1988) bisection of the parental cell. The developmental cycle of the flagellar/basal apparatus recently proposed by Wolf (1992) was also supplemented. It was shown (i) that the parental flagella may remain attached to the dividing protoplast down to the end of its multiple fission, and (ii) that a premature and limited outgrowth of short flagella was absent during the 1st mitosis.