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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4832

Peter Eigner and Wilhelm Foissner; Divisional Morphogenesis in Orthoamphisiella stramenticola Eigner & Foissner, 1991 and O. grelli nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). Arch.Protistenk 143:337-345, 1993


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Divisional morphogenesis was investigated in Orthoamphisiella stramenticola Eigner & Foissner, 1991 and O. grelli nov. spec. using protargol impregnation. Orthoamphisiella grelli nov. spec. differs from O. stramenticola mainly by having only 2 macronuclear segments. A Japanese population of O. stramenticola is also described. It differs from the type population mainly by the absence of a third short ventral row. Divisional morphogenesis is very similar in both species. The oral primordium originates apokinetally and develops the oral apparatus and the left frontal cirrus for the opisthe. All cirral anlagen originate in the frontal area of the proter and for parental cirri. Later, the anlagen (primary primordia) split and the proximal portions migrate posteriad forming the ventral ciliature of the opisthe. The long ventral (median) row develops from a single primordium within the central portion of the parental row. This anlage splits and proliferates basal bodies anteriad and posteriad. Dorsal kineties develop by intrakinetal proliferation; no caudal cirri are formed. Compared to other amphisiellid hypotrichs. Orthoamphisiella spp. are unique in having an apokinetal stomatogenesis and a long ventral (median) row originating from a single anlage. Further studies are needed to elucidate the phylogeny of amphisiellid hypotrichs.